Wednesday, October 14, 2009


These innocent-looking crystals are actually poop. Cliff Giant poop.

Quest of the day: Azsharite


The ancient cliff giants of the southern region of Azshara consume the rock and buildings of the land for sustenance. The excrement from their consumption is a highly malleable and extremely strong crystal known as Azsharite.

The formations litter the southern arc, but few are ever recovered due to the extremely violent nature of the giants.

You are to venture south and recover enough of the Azsharite for the creation of the weapon's body. My felhounds will aid in the recovery of the crystal

There is one recurring theme in WoW quests other than grueling travel, inane "talk to the guy next to me" quests, and helpless escort-ees; it is definitely poop. This poop comes in two distinct varieties: The crystal formations as shown above, and these little fellas as shown to the left. If they eat rock from the land and buildings, why do they seem to eat trolls... and then poop them out whole? Blizzard: your lore is paper-thin, lol.

I'm 430-something quests done in Eastern Kingdoms, and just under 400 in Kalimdor. Raiding is cutting into my questing time. Heroic Northrend Beasts 25 in TotGC still proves elusive. The tanks continue to get rofflestomped from 100% health to zero in 0.2 seconds flat. What great design. Let's not make it more FUN, let's just make the encounter based on whether or not the RNG decides to kill your tank. Woo-hoo.

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